Just Fun!

By Songbird Karaoke in Just Fun!, Recent News

Before Photos…the Last of the Series!

We’ve shown you a bunch of before photos in this post and in this post. This is the final in our series and it’s a good one. The Masons are quite a secretive bunch. However, we do know that Masonic lodges are known for having an elaborate ceremony rooms.

Other Masonic Lodges

Here are pictures of the Masonic Lodge in New York City and a few pictures of the Masonic Lodge in Philadelphia (not Collingswood):

Collingswood Masonic Lodge

Now, Collingswood was not as elaborate as those but it’s fun to look at…so, without further ado, here it is:

  • This is the full room, all the way from the back corner. To be fair these pictures are after the Masons moved out of the building. Before it was a little more ornate with a middle alter inclusive of the lights you see around the altar in the Philly and NYC pictures. Also, there were some thrones and chairs with detailed woodworking on the stages.
  • The second picture is the mural that was painted on the back wall. WE DID NOT paint over it. We did cover it up with framing and drywall but when someone after us pulls that wall down, it will be there in all its majasty!
  • Here’s a close up of the mural.
  • This is some messed up flooring with a cut out that goes underneath. Um, one word here, gross!
  • Here is some more messed up stuff. If you book a party in our large suite, you will see these exact doors but they are painted and cleaned up nicely.
  • Look at all this stadium seating. It’s all gone now but they must have had a huge group to fill up all this seating!
  • This is a photo of a stage at the front of the room. It’s no longer there, of course, but we do have our own stage in the large suite!
  • That is the end of our before photos. Super cool, right? We’re glad we shared and we’ll be even more happy when you come in and see all the changes first hand!

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