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Get Ready for your Summer to Sing

Are you ready for your summer to sing?

School is almost out and summer is almost in session. You want to make the most out of it, don’t you? Especially, after last summer. Well, we’ve got your summer checklist.

Here are the ways to prep to make your summer SING!

Do this now!

  • 1. Create your bucket list
    Now, before you go crazy, I know you think the idea of a bucket list is out-of-style but hear me out! Summer goes by FAST. If you don’t take a minute to think about some things ahead of time, you’re going to be reading my summer wrap-up post and be like, wait a minute, I didn’t do anything fun yet!

    Don’t let that happen. Just spend a hot minute and think of a few things that you absolutely want to do this summer. Jot them down or start scheduling them immediately.

  • 2. Write your summer wish
    This one is just adorable. Write down a wish for what you want to happen this summer. It can be anything from a huge goal, like go on a week-long vacation or meet a new love, to something smaller like drink a seltzer on a rooftop deck or just be more relaxed.

    Then fold it up and squirrel it away in a place that you’ll remember. In September, we’ll open up that paper and see if it came true! Fun times!

  • 3. Plan a Kick Off Party
    Let’s really start this summer off right. Plan a super fun kick-off party. You can have ice cream or slushies (make them adult, if you’d like). Invite some friends or family to partake or do something more intimate.

    Whatever you choose, you have signaled that summer has arrived and you are ready for it!

  • Then do these!

  • 4. Create a reading list
    Let’s get a little high-brow here. You should be increasing your knowledge and keeping your brain active, which happens no matter what type of book you read. So bring on the trashy romance novel or the self-help set or the career-focused publications.

    Whatever you choose, you’ll be better for it. So, let’s get reading!

  • 5. Plan a trip
    We’ve been cooped up quite a long time. Travel may be in your future. You don’t have to take a plane or plan an expensive excursion. You can take a short road trip or just a weekend get-away. Traveling is fun and everyone’s missed it.

    So, pull out those suitcases, grab that sunscreen (you’ll need it whatever your destination), and let’s go!

  • Then these!

  • 6. Clean off that grill
    There is nothing like smelling the grill to evoke all the wonderful memories of summer. Make sure your grill is cleaned and you’ve got all the tools ready to go. Um, plastic spatulas don’t work on the grill, just saying.

    You can cook up those hot dogs and burgers or go plant-based. Veggies on the grill are awesome and now you can find tons of meatless burger options. There’s no excuse! Also, grab a watermelon because you’ll want to have some of that after all that grilling.

  • 7. Get your summer gear
    New bathing suit anyone? New shorts? How about a new cute dress? Or maybe new sandals? Okay, let’s do it all.

    Just kidding, it doesn’t have to be new. But you need to get your summer essentials in order. Make sure you’ve got it all ready to go before you need it.

  • 8. Make sure your bike is in working order
    Let’s go for a ride. If you haven’t ridden for awhile, you’ll need to check everything is in working order, especially those tires! I love places that have air pumps. Like the library across the street from Songbird has an air pump. My bike tires seem to always need filling and apparently, so does everyone else’s because the number of people that stop there is well, a lot.
  • 9. Load up on sun screen (and get some bug spray)
    Seriously. Wear sun screen. That is all!

  • And, most importantly

  • 10. Come sing karaoke!
    YES! You knew it was coming, lol. But really, the BEST way to celebrate ANYTHING, including summer, is by singing karaoke! And, the BEST place to sing karaoke is here (or we’ll bring it to you)! So, make this summer the summer to sing and book your reservation. We can’t wait to see you in all your relaxed summer glory!

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