So you want to see all Songbird Karaoke window displays? Here they are…so far!
2017 Songbird Karaoke Window Displays
Yes, we started BEFORE we opened!
- September 2017. This one got a lot of attention because in our town of Collingswood, everyone wants a Trader Joe’s. There is ABSOLUTELY no space for a Trader Joe’s but hey, the people want what they want. We LOVED this window.
- October 2017. I liked this one. I’m NOT an artist but think my ghosts came out pretty good. Also, those are three separate pieces of paper so lining them up to work on them AND then hang them is NOT easy.
- December 2017. Now, I’m sure there was a November one but I can’t find the picture. This one was one I thought was going to be AMAZING but didn’t quite make it. Looking back at it, I like it. I mean, come on, it’s birdhouses! Songbird, birdhouses, it JUST MAKES SENSE!
2018 Songbird Karaoke Window Displays
Let’s get it going!
- January 2018. This one was fun to make. It was random dot stickers that we just got to place all around. It was a family affair!
- February 2018. I did love this one (wink, wink). That is chicken wire with tiny pieces of tissue paper jammed in between. I cut each piece of tissue. IT TOOK FOREVER. Then the tissue started to fall out. Then I put this glue spray, which was a mess. Then we had to transport it, which was a disaster. By the time I got to putting it in the window, I was over it and just jamming it in there! Also, I never wanted to take it down since it took SO LONG to get it up there! Alas, Valentine’s Day doesn’t last forever.
- March 2018. This is one of my favorites. It has the Beastie Boys song reference and I think the rocket came out really well for my not artistic self. That’s a lot of chalk. And I just thought I was brilliant when I outlined it in permanent marker.
- April 2018. Cute, right? It’s so colorful. And, look at the cotton ball cloud! And, the Easter basket grass at the bottom. Come on!
- May 2018. All right, this one probably only made sense in my mind. But, it’s like a text message and Mother’s Day and we’re hiring and the Drake song reference. Okay, writing that all, I now realize it may have been too many ideas in one window, lol. Oh, and there’s Michael. I didn’t feel like cropping him out!
- June 2018. This one came at a point when we were thinking we would have been open but were delayed. Hello, every single business out there! I think I was over the whole thing. I may have phoned this one in…but I did get a song reference.
- July 2018. Okay, I liked this one. Cool font. Easy with the balloons but hey I did draw out that logo every time!
- August 2018. FINALLY, we opened. This lettering was a disaster. I did it backwards from inside the window. Utterly ridiculous but it doesn’t look awful.
- September 2018. Okay, okay, hear me out on this one. This was a definite Anthropologie disaster. But, those are old business cards we handed out BEFORE we opened. We had no more use for them since now we were open. I curled them up, hot glued them, and spelled out sing. Look, you can see the business cards at the bottom. I’m telling you this looked SO AMAZING…in my mind.
- October 2018. Boo’d up. It’s a song, people. Get with it. That’s all I’m going to say.
- December 2018. No November again. Maybe I’m just tired in November. Anyway, here is December. This one, again, looked way better in my mind. And again, I think it was a bit much for people. It’s the song though, you get that right? Then the mirrors because our favorite thing is YOU (the person looking in the mirror, get it?). Then the brown packages tied up with string in the corner. Yeah, most people didn’t get it. we definitely didn’t win the town window contest.
2019 Songbird Karaoke Window Displays
We’re still making them! Although my picture taking has fallen off quite a bit.
- January 2019. I absolutely HATED this one! It was like I was hung over and just threw this up. My apologies.
- February and March 2019 – not sure…no pictures. Again, my apologies.
- April 2019. This one is short and sweet. I did like it though.
- May and June 2019. Who knows what happened.
- July 2019. Again, another that looked much better in my mind. And, you know what, it’s not easy to paint on shirts!
- August 2019. Our FIRST birthday. You can’t be mad at this. It’s a party explosion!
- September 2019. One of my favs. Easy and looks cute!
- October and November 2019. I skipped Halloween and just did an overall fall theme. I like it. Simple but cute – Fall into Songbird, come on that is cute.
- December 2019. Okay, I like this one. It’s a deconstructed Christmas tree. See the tree, the balls, the garland. It’s all there, just not on the tree. We choose the blue and silver because we are trying to encompass more celebration types, since we have that in our own family too. Oh, also those trees light up!
2020 Songbird Karaoke Window Displays
If you thought 2019 fell off a cliff, you haven’t seen anything yet. Literally, lol.
- January 2020. Streamers. Have you seen Anthropologie do streamers? Right then, moving on.
- March 2020. Sadness begins. To brighten things up, we asked the town to drop off pictures we could hang in the window. There are only a few shown. It was sooo adorable to find them in our mailbox. We looked forward to checking each morning.
- June 2020. A little deconstructed rainbow for our deconstructed lives (at the time).
- July 2020. This is when we introduced our mobile unit. I thought it was eye-catching!
- September 2020. We re-opened! To celebrate I painted letters on the window again. Not fun, people.
- October 2020. Back to Halloween! Look at this, people. Do you see those cages with BIRDS in them (SongBIRD). Also, they light up. Thank you.
- December 2020. Not pictured but just look at 2019. We did the same thing. We re-entered the town decorating contest and lost again. Deconstructed tree is NOT a winner 🙁
- January and February 2021. No picture. What? I know, ridiculous but it is what it is.
- March 2021. See how this is like St. Patty’s Day…with the green balloons and the yellow GOLD at the bottom.
- April 2021. This is the ultimate (and ultimate is used very loosely) spring window. This represents the rain coming down and the spring flowers coming up. And, hey, did you peep that umbrella in the corner. See!
- And, throwback. Look at THIS. That’s our building back in the day. Which day, you ask. Well, I don’t know but what a day it was!
2021 Songbird Karaoke Window Displays
Let the fun continue!
Thanks for checking out our windows and OUR history! We hope you come by in person soon!
Don’t forget you can make your reservation online, anytime!