Songbird Karaoke

Before Shots!

before shots

Don’t you love seeing before shots of any type of makeover? We do! Home renovations, weight loss, hairstyle changes, we think all of it is cool.

In an effort to keep this project cool, we thought it would be fun to show you a bunch of the before shots. What the place looks like now. Of course, we don’t have the after pictures yet, but we can take you through all the phases.

Totally fun, right? And cool? We think so!

The building is huge and in an effort not to break your internet connection, we’re going to post the shots in phases.

Here are the first round of pictures:

It’s so dirty and does not smell nice. Be thankful the internet doesn’t have the ability for smell (yet). Here are a few closer shots:

Yes, we’ve tried it and no, we’re not keeping it (no matter how fun people think it would be)! The upstairs won’t be part of the business.

So there’s the first before shots. What do you think?

There’s more to see too. Our next post will feature even more before pictures! Here are the links to see those:

More Before Pictures!
Before Pictures…The Last of the Series.

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